

Oregon Cybersecurity Solutions & Computer Protection Technology

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High-quality Computer Protection Technology

Hospitals are critical institutions that provide essential medical services to people around the world. But these institutions also store a vast amount of sensitive and confidential patient information, such as medical records, financial information, and other personal data. Cyber-attacks on hospitals can have severe consequences — including identity theft, medical fraud, and other significant repercussions — but Networks De Oregon can help! Our Oregon cybersecurity company can give medical clinics access to internet security software and high-quality computer protection technology. Learn more down below and contact us to get started!

Industries We Serve

Importance of Cybersecurity Solutions for Hospitals

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Protection of Sensitive Information

As we mentioned above, hospitals store large amounts of sensitive patient data, including medical histories and insurance information. But our Oregon cybersecurity solutions can help prevent unauthorized access to and distribution of this information.

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Regulatory Compliance

Healthcare institutions are subject to strict regulatory compliance requirements, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Having the right internet security software and computer protection technology can ensure your business is in compliance.

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Protection of Medical Devices

Many medical devices, such as pacemakers, are connected to hospital networks, possibly making them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Our cybersecurity solutions can ensure that they function correctly.

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Mitigation of Financial Losses

Cyber-attacks on hospitals can also lead to significant financial losses, including the cost of recovery and potential lawsuits. But stable, reliable network security can help!

Network Security Challenges Hospitals Face


Large, Complex Networks

Hospitals and other medical clinics tend to have large, complex networks that can be challenging to secure; this is where having the right internet security software comes into play.


Legacy Systems

It’s not uncommon for hospitals to use legacy systems that are outdated and unsupported, making them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. But Networks De Oregon can help your facility implement up-to-date computer protection technology.


High Availability Requirements

Hospital networks must be available 24/7, making it difficult to take systems offline for maintenance and upgrades. Let us handle your network troubleshooting problems and solutions.

How Our Oregon Cyber Security Company Can Help

Networks De Oregon can help hospitals address their cybersecurity challenges by providing tailored network security solutions. We can help you identify potential vulnerabilities, and develop a customized cybersecurity strategy. We can also provide education on how to implement access control measures, such as multi-factor authentication, to limit access to sensitive information to authorized personnel. Our mission is to help these organizations save money and utilize the strong relationships we’ve built with tech vendors to provide as thorough of service as possible. Let us help you diagnose issues and identify the right enterprise cloud service solutions.

About Us

Get in Touch With Networks De Oregon Now

Cybersecurity threats are increasing, and it is essential to implement robust cybersecurity solutions. By partnering with Networks De Oregon, your go-to Oregon cybersecurity company, hospitals can enhance their network security, explore internet security software options, and have access to network troubleshooting tools. Contact us now!

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